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Re: Reroutes of the B54 in the late 1980s/early 1990s

Posted by BrooklynBus on Fri Apr 17 23:26:22 2020, in response to Re: Reroutes of the B54 in the late 1980s/early 1990s, posted by New Flyer #857 on Fri Apr 17 16:41:16 2020.

There might be a misprint in the map. I worked near there from 1975 through about 1982 and I always remember Court as southbound only south of Livingston. The northbound buses may have actually gone north on Adams and west on Joralemon and then on Court. The short turns either went as they do today on Tillary and Adams or else they may have made a right on Tillary and left on Carman Plaza East (Washington St) left on Johnson and south on Court to Livingston. I think the second option is more probable. I think I do remember B41s on Court and Livingston stopping in front of the B45s, but I can’t say for sure. If they didn’t stop there, then all buses including the Furman St ones would have had to turn on Tillary and Adams, but I can’t imagine such a glaring error on the map.

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