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Re: History of the Q19A/Q69 and the Q101R/Q100 [Q33A/Q51[

Posted by GojiMet86 on Mon Mar 12 00:07:54 2018, in response to Re: History of the Q19A/Q69 and the Q101R/Q100 [Q33A/Q51[, posted by Union Tpke on Thu Mar 3 20:07:26 2016.

Some extra info from the old Triboro timetables. The time on the timetables were based on checkpoints, so there are notations indicating trips that start some minutes before or after time printed @ checkpoint.


Triboro Q33 Timetable
June 29, 2003



One weekday trip to the Jackson Heights station starts @ checkpoint Ditmars Blvd/24th Street for St. John's Prep School at 2:40 PM, getting to Broadway/76th Street at 3:08.

Timetable actually states at Checkpoint 9, "Does Bus Start at 24th Street & Ditmars?" (Probably a typo).

No corresponding school trip the other direction.

Triboro Q19A Timetable
March 31, 2002
"Includes Sunnyside Rail Yards Bridge Detour Bridge"



Detour at QBP heading to Jackson Heights is 24th Street, 43rd Avenue, 23rd Street, and unto 44th Drive.

Four northbound (Astoria/Jackson Heights-bound) trips, 1:46 PM, 2:46 PM, 3:21 PM, and 4:01 PM @ checkpoint 21st Street/30th Avenue leave Long Island City High School one minute before stated on timetable (1:45, 2:45, 3:20, 4:00). The first of those trips actually ends at Ditmars Blvd/31st Street at 1:53. The other three continue to 82nd Street/Astoria Blvd, ending at 3:03, 3:38, and 4:18 PM.



One southbound (St. John's-bound) trip leaves Monsignor McClancy Memorial High School at 2:20 PM @ checkpoint 31 Avenue/73rd Street, via 31st Avenue, 77th Street, 25th Avenue, and 80th Street unto Astoria Blvd and the regular route, terminating at Ditmars Blvd/24th Street at 2:36, two minutes later than stated in timetable at checkpoint Ditmars Blvd/31st Street (2:34).

One southbound (QBP-bound) trip, 3:25 PM @ checkpoint 21st Street/36th Avenue, starts five minutes earlier than indicated (3:20) at Broadway/21st Street and heads to QBP, ending at 3:37.

Two southbound (QBP-bound) trips, 2:39 PM and 2:51 PM @ checkpoint Ditmars/21st Street, are stated to start their trips one minute before (2:38 and 2:50) at Ditmars Blvd and 24th Street, and end at QBP at 3:01 and 3:13, respectively.

Timetable states for notation (B), used for the 2:20, 2:39, and 2:51:

"Arrives St. John's Preparatory School (24 St & Ditmars) 2 minutes after time at 31 St & Ditmars; leaves St. John's Preparatory School 1 minute before time at 21 St & Ditmars".

Timetable actually states at Checkpoint 9, "Does Bus Start at 73 St & 31 Av?" (Guess someone didn't proofread them).

Triboro Q19A Timetable
June 29, 2003


Two northbound (Jackson Heights-bound) trips, 3:21 PM and 4:01 PM @ checkpoint 21st Street/30th Avenue, start at 31st Street and Broadway one minute before indicated on timetable (3:20 and 4:00) and arrive at 82nd Street/Astoria Blvd at 3:38 and 4:18, respectively.



One southbound (QBP-bound) trip, 3:25 PM @ checkpoint 21st Street/36th Avenue, starts five minutes earlier than indicated (3:20) at Broadway/21st Street and heads to QBP, ending at 3:37.

Two southbound (QBP-bound) trips, 2:39 PM and 2:51 PM @ checkpoint Ditmars/21st Street, are stated to start their trips one minute before (2:38 and 2:50) at Ditmars Blvd and 24th Street, and end at QBP at 3:01 and 3:13, respectively.

One southbound (St. John's-bound) trip leaves Monsignor McClancy Memorial High School at 2:25 PM @ checkpoint 31 Avenue/73rd Street, via 31st Avenue, 77th Street, 25th Avenue, and 80th Street unto Astoria Blvd and the regular route, terminating at Ditmars Blvd/24th Street at 2:41, two minutes later than stated in timetable at checkpoint Ditmars Blvd/31st Street (2:39).

Timetable states for notation (B), used for the 2:25, 2:39, and 2:51:

"Arrives St. John's Preparatory School (24 St & Ditmars) 2 minutes after time at 31 St & Ditmars; leaves St. John's Preparatory School 1 minute before time at 21 St & Ditmars".


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