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Re: Atlantic Avenue speed limit lower to 25 mph

Posted by BrooklynBus on Mon Apr 14 00:15:36 2014, in response to Re: Atlantic Avenue speed limit lower to 25 mph, posted by Stephen Bauman on Sun Apr 13 20:25:43 2014.

I never said anything about drivers obeying laws. Everyone disobeys laws and I bet that also includes you.

"Road geometry is not the only determinant as to what safe speed is."

So what exactly are you saying?

"Owned" is the important word here. So now you don't drive anymore so you coudn't care less about he much you inconvenience drivers.

"63% of all unlinked street-centric streets..."

Let me understand you. Let's say in one minute, 100 cars with one passenger, and two buses with 50 passengers each or a total 200 people travel by motorized vehicle on 42 Street between 7th and 8th Avenue, but 2,000 pedestrians are using that block, that means that means that 90 percent of the street width should be a sidewalk?

"As I noted going 40 mph..."

That's exactly why we need longer amber cycles. The current 3 seconds for 30 mph assumes you immediately hit the brake, and you also have to slam down hard to stop before the crosswalk.

"What lowering impact speed will do.,."

That's exactly what they said about he 55 mph speed limit that no one listened to, not even the cops, and it was a big failure. Many have been raised back to 60 and 65 outside of NYC.

Traffic congestion is caused by bottlenecks that cause merging like double parking and utility work and construction blocking lanes. Reducing speeds will add 20 to 30 minutes to long trips, not 3 minutes. Case in point. For over 40 years, DOT made you merge from two lanes into one going south from the FDR to the Brooklyn Bridge. There were 10 minute delays much of the time. It would have been worse but many drivers used two lanes anyway by driving over the zebra stripes. Then the DOT installed bollards forcing drivers to comply. That increased the delay to 20 minutes. Last year they made it legal to use two lanes, and guess what? With the same number of cars, there is now only a 5 minute delay. That's a 15-minute congestion delay gone overnight. I have no idea what you are saying that congestion is caused by "garbage in exceeding garbage out." Sounds like you are saying that no one has a right to drive. That would explain why you want to make life for drivers as difficult as possible.


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