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Re: MTA BusTime problem: Missing buses on the map

Posted by checkmatechamp13 on Mon Mar 10 18:05:18 2014, in response to Re: MTA BusTime problem: Missing buses on the map, posted by Bill From Maspeth on Mon Mar 10 17:49:43 2014.

I'm curious as to one thing: I've noticed at the ferry terminal that sometimes a bus will be sitting there and it'll say (for example) "S62 St. George Ferry", but it won't say "approaching" or "at stop", indicating that it's at the terminal (even though from the map, you can clearly tell it is).

Does that mean that the B/O somehow kept the transponder on, even though the bus was shut off, and had it register the last destination sign displayed? (Or does that mean that he pulled out of the last stop, and since there's no more stops, it just displays the destination sign).

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