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Re: Proposed numbers and depots for the new Prevosts.

Posted by grand concourse on Sun Jul 21 21:23:52 2013, in response to Re: Proposed numbers and depots for the new Prevosts., posted by Bill From Maspeth on Sun Jul 21 20:34:12 2013.

I don't get why it seems they don't want to number anything in the 9700s range. The last ones were those ex QSC RTSs. and the 1300s has been some O5s. What's the deal with numbering the 5400 artics to the 1000s number or the switch of the xd60s from 1000 to 4700s? It's overcomplicating things when they have so many other numbers to choose from.

And none of it even includes the numbers freed up when LIB was replaced by NICE.


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