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Re: What Has Happened to The Bx55?

Posted by jasonbellamy on Wed Jun 19 14:08:06 2013, in response to Re: What Has Happened to The Bx55?, posted by B53RICH on Tue Jun 18 15:50:52 2013.

"You must obtain a new receipt from the Bx12 SBS bus stop where you plan to board. Insert the MetroCard you used to pay to board the Bx41 SBS as your free transfer is encoded on it; a receipt will be issued automatically. Or, if you paid with coins on the Bx41 SBS, you must have a transfer that was issued to you, upon request, by the Bx41 SBS operator. Insert that transfer into the Bx12 SBS MetroCard Fare Collector and a receipt will be issued automatically."

Who's the ignoramus who created this bureaucracy?

If you buy an SBS receipt with coins, you still have to get a transfer from the driver? I thought the whole point of SBS was that you didn't have to waste time doing any fare-related activities while boarding. And after that, you need to obtain a third piece of paper to ride the second bus?

Why can't the SBS receipt *be* the transfer, and work on a second SBS route (or a local route, or the subway)?

London got this right more than 10 years ago. *Every* bus is pre-pay at Central London stops, and once you buy a ticket, it's good on any bus until it expires. Some stops outside the center are pay-when-boarding, and the two methods are not incompatible.


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