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Photos: Orion V CNGs & C40LFs on JFK routes

Posted by Queens Surface 295 on Mon Feb 4 23:57:33 2013

Caught me by surprise while I was walking out the gym...

MTA 1999 Orion V CNG 9839 on the Q8

MTA 1999 Orion V CNG 9839 on the Q8

MTA 2012 New Flyer C40LF 574 on the Q8

MTA 1996 Novabus RTS 8764 on the Q30

MTA 2012 New Flyer Xcelsior 4848 on the Q24

MTA 1999 Orion V CNG 9832 on the Q6

MTA 1998 Orion V CNG 746 on the Q6

MTA 1999 Orion V CNG 9827 on the Q40

MTA 1996 Orion V 1306 Ex- 647 on the Q20

MTA 2012 New Flyer C40LF 574 on the Q8

Peter Pan MCI 102-DL3 561

MTA 1999 Orion V CNG 9846 on the Q10 Limited

MTA 1999 Orion V CNG 9846

MTA 1999 Orion V CNG 9844 on the Q10

MTA 2012 New Flyer Xcelsior 4897 on the M42

MTA 1996 Orion V 1305 Ex-639 on the Q17

MTA 1999 Orion V CNG 9916 on the Q66

MTA 2012 MCI D4500CT 2282

Enjoy the photos!


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