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Lanza, Ignizio ask MTA to stop using flashing blue LEDs lights on S79 SBS

Posted by Gold_12TH on Tue Sep 11 21:54:57 2012


The blue flashing lights heralding the arrival of Select Bus Service are distracting to drivers and should be turned off.

That's the message State Sen. Andrew Lanza and Councilman Vincent Ignizio have for the MTA -- with safety concerns in mind, they've asked the agency to stop using the flashing blue lights on buses that are part of Select Bus Service.

In a letter written to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority CEO Joseph Lhota, the elected officials cite a city law that states only certain emergency vehicles are permitted to use flashing blue lights on their vehicles.

Not withstanding the legality of the issue, they also claim that motorists could become "desensitized" to flashing blue lights on buses, and then drivers might ignore an actual emergency vehicle when it needs to get through.

Using the lights on buses could "dilute" their effectiveness and create "apprehension and undue distraction to drivers," which in turn, could cause longer response times in an emergency, Lanza (R-Staten Island) and Ignizio (R-South Shore) state in their letter.

New York state law only allows blue flashing lights on vehicles that belong to certain volunteer firefighters, police, fire, ambulances, emergency ambulance service and county emergency medical service vehicles, they said.


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