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Re: Restored Service is comning..

Posted by Gold_12TH on Thu Jun 28 20:50:28 2012, in response to Re: Restored Service is comning.., posted by Joe V on Thu Jun 28 19:36:14 2012.

MTA mulls restoring some bus, subway, commuter train service cuts
Board members urge agency to set aside $20 million for effort
By Pete Donohue

The MTA may restore some of the bus, subway and commuter train service it cut to close budget gaps two years ago, authorities said.

“We’re evaluating all of our options and alternatives,” Metropolitan Transportation Authority Chairman Joseph Lhota said Wednesday. “I’m not sure we have the financial stability to bring back all of our services that were cut in 2010, but we’re evaluating it right now.”

MTA staff will present the board with the preliminary 2012 budget next month. Board members Allan Cappelli and Mitchell Pally have been urging the authority to establish a $20 million fund to pay for more service as the agency heads see fit.

“I just need to understand the stability of our financial situation, understand that first, and then we will evaluate what we can do on behalf of all of our customers.” Lhota said. “You don’t want to have a situation where you put it back, take it of, put it back, take it off.”

A transit source said the review wasn’t just for show.

“It’s real,” the source said of some possible service restorations. “Not all of it but enough that it would be felt.”

The MTA faced a $900 million budget gap when it imposed the cuts, which included elimination of 20 local and 12 express bus routes. Another dozen local and express bus routes disappeared on weekends.

The authority also halted service in the V and W subway lines and reconfigured four others.

Annual savings from bus and subway cuts combined total nearly $68 million.

The financial crisis emerged when tax revenues dedicated to transit nosedived during the recession. The state grabbed some transit-dedicated tax revenues to plug its budget holes.

Lhota made his comments after a monthly board meeting where several speakers came out in support of bringing back the B77 to Red Hook, Brooklyn. While the B61 bus — another Red Hook line — survived, ridership has soared so much buses regularly are too crowded to board.

“I have to walk 20 blocks to the subway,” Robert Berrios, 44, a clerk from Red Hook, said.

Transport Workers Union Local 100 organizer J.P. Patafio gave the MTA petitions with 1,500 signatures calling for the B77s return.
--- http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/mta-mulls-restoring-bus-subway-commuter-train-service-cuts-article-1.1103354#ixzz1z8evdUXY

Officials Hint That M.T.A. May Restore Some Service

There is no date. There is no proposal. And there is certainly no guarantee.

But for the first time since 2010, when the Metropolitan Transportation Authority approved deep cuts amid a budget shortfall, there appears to be optimism that some of the services that were eliminated may be restored — provided that the agency’s recent, if tenuous, financial trends and ridership increases hold.

“Not a day goes by when I don’t think about restoration of services and further investments in the system,” Joseph J. Lhota, chairman of the transportation authority, said Wednesday during a monthly board meeting at the agency’s headquarters in Midtown Manhattan.

Mr. Lhota added that the authority remained in the “early stages of evaluation” for possible restorations.

Former Gov. David A. Paterson, making his debut as a member of the agency’s board, said he hoped his tenure would include service restorations.

“It put us in the position of having to make changes that hurt people,” Mr. Paterson said of the past cuts. “It was extremely painful for me when I was governor to have to be involved with that.”

Mr. Paterson was asked where the agency expected to find the money to restore service.

“Don’t answer,” Mr. Lhota said, standing to the side, as Mr. Paterson, in front, took questions.

Andrew Albert, a board member and the chairman of the New York City Transit Riders Council, said that some board members had discussed a $20 million restoration fund — enough to bring back some bus, subway or commuter rail services, but probably far too little to return to former levels.

“It looks like some figures are trending in the good direction, versus what we’ve seen last year,” Mr. Albert said. “The fact that the chairman is talking about it, and several board members are talking about it, I think bodes well.”

William Henderson, the executive director of the Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee to the transportation authority, said the prospect of service restorations was “looking better than it has in several years.”

The specter of a fare increase may also push members toward reintroducing services. Mr. Lhota said he expected a public hearing on possible fare increases to be held in November.

“It’s awfully hard to ask people to pay more when they’re getting a lot less,” Mr. Albert said.

Several public speakers at the meeting on Wednesday offered zealous pleas to reinstate service on their lines. Assemblyman William Colton said he spoke as the “voice of the people of southern Brooklyn” — as well as older people, students and people with disabilities — in demanding that service be returned to the B64 bus.

One resident recited a poem, titled “B64, Where Are You?” It read in part, “All of us in Bath Beach are ready for a fight/ Bring back our 64 or we’ll show them all our might.”

Another speaker thanked the agency for the “fitness program” it had forced upon him: since cuts to bus service reached Red Hook, Brooklyn, he has had to walk 20 blocks to the subway.

Fellow riders did not appear to have followed his example.

“More people would have been here,” the man told the authority’s board,“but they’re still waiting for the B61 bus to show up.”

MTA Weighs Adding Back Some Service

After two years of nagging protests from bus and subway riders, leaders of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority have opened the door to restoring some of the services slashed in 2010 to close a $900 million deficit.

No immediate plans have been made to revive three-dozen bus routes that were cut or altered, restore the frequency of commuter rail service or bring back vanished subway lines like the W and the V, all of which fell victim to $93 million in service cuts as part of the budget deal. But with preliminary talks on a 2013 budget set to begin next month, MTA board members are evaluating which of the eliminated services could be revived.

Briefing reporters on Wednesday, MTA Chairman Joseph Lhota urged patience, saying that the subject would have to wait until the MTA's finances had achieved a new level of "stability." He added: "Not a day goes by when I don't think about restorations of services and further investments in the system."

The question of restoring service had been hanging at the outskirts of MTA deliberations for months. On Wednesday, as at previous board meetings, the public-comment period featured numerous pleas from residents, union members and elected officials to revive popular routes.

They were further prompted this month by another source: former Gov. David Paterson, a newly minted MTA board member who was governor in 2010, and thus an architect of the austerity plan that slashed the transit services in the first place.

On Wednesday, Mr. Paterson sat just next to the public speakers' podium during the outpouring of rider complaints, and later told reporters he looked forward to undoing some of the cuts.

"The question will be to what extent have we arisen from [the recession] so that perhaps services that were taken away can be restored," Mr. Paterson said.

In Red Hook, Brooklyn, for instance, residents were once dependent on buses like the defunct B77, said JP Patafio, an organizer with Transport Workers Union Local 100, because of their distance from subway lines. Since the cuts, the remaining area bus line, the B61, has been crowded and plagued by congestion because of its altered route, he said.

Gene Russianoff of the advocacy group the Straphangers Campaign said in a statement he was "encouraged" by talk of reversing the cuts, which eliminated 36 bus routes, 570 bus stops and three subway lines.

It is unclear how much revenue the MTA might have to work with, Mr. Lhota and other board members said. Revenue projections will be reevaluated in July, in anticipation of final budget votes in September and October.

When a reporter asked Mr. Paterson where he thought the MTA could find the money, Mr. Lhota muttered, "Don't answer."

Mr. Paterson barely did: "This is the problem....Everybody could tell me what they didn't want cut, but no one could tell me how we balance the budget."

Still, there is cause for optimism, said Andrew Albert, a rider representative to the board and advocate for restoring the eliminated services. "The fact that the chairman is talking about it and that other board members are talking about it I think bodes well," he said.


MTA considering plans to restore some service cuts in 2010
The MTA is considering a plan to restore some of the "doomsday cuts" made in 2010.

After months of prodding by board members, MTA Chairman Joseph Lhota is expected to propose a list o recommended service additions to the board next month, when the agency unveils its preliminary budget for 2013, which includes a 7.5% fare increase.

"We are evaluating all of our options and alternatives. I'm not sure we have the financial stability to bring back all of our services that were cut in 2010, but we are evaluating it right now," Lhota said at Wednesday board meeting.

"Not a day goes by when I don't think about restoration of services and further investments in the system," Lhota said, adding, "We will discuss this both at the committee meetings and then at the board meeting in July."

Lhota's comments came after several officials and community leaders pleaded with the board Wednesday to boost bus service in Brooklyn.

MTA board member Mitch Pally, one of two members who had called for at least $40 million in service additions during meetings this year, said he expects the topic to be a "major part" of the agency's upcoming finance meetings, adding that he thinks fare hikes and extra service are "interrelated."

"He fully understands the importance of it," Pally said of Lhota's focus on adding service. "He is taking it very, very seriously."

An MTA source confirmed that Lhota wants to add back service, and that he believes it is "certainly" possible to do despite budget constraints.

"There's no way we can go back and restore everything that was cut two years ago - it's not that easy," the source said. "But there will be some increase in service, we hope."

The agency saved about $93 million by slashing dozens of bus routes and two bus lines in 2010. But next year's anticipated fare hike will also add $449 million each year to the agency's coffers.

Board member Andrew Albert said there were "at least 20" bus lines he'd like to see return.

"It's awfully hard to ask people to pay more when they're getting a lot less," Albert said. He added that some of the cuts made in 2010 proved insufficient to riders.

"There's a lot of things that were done just to meet a financial goal that didn't make transit sense," Albert said.

Former Gov. David Paterson, who joined the MTA board Wednesday and was in office when the MTA lost millions of dollars in funding, said it looked like the agency was on better financial footing now, and may be able to grow again.

"The question will be to what extent have we arisen from [the recession] so that, perhaps, services that were taken away can be restored," he said.

Gene Russianoff of the Straphangers Campaign, called Lhota's plans "good news" for riders.

"The tens of millions saved by the cuts got them hundreds of millions of dollars in ill will from their riders," he said. The cuts, he said, "made for miserable service."

Lhota said the topic has weighed on him since before he joined the MTA in November.

"When I get on a train to come in every day," he said, "I do think about everybody sitting around me, standing around me."


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