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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BrooklynBus on Thu Nov 24 09:49:43 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Thu Nov 24 09:22:13 2011.

Okay, I just looked at the three links you posted. I see responses by myself in the second two links where we discussed the issues at length. How can you say that I was ignoring your posts. It seems that you either didn't read what I said or we argued the point and I just didn't agree with you because your arguments just weren't strong enough. I do not intend to reread them again and go over the same points we already discussed.

As for the first link, I must of overlooked it. But it seems like you just want to get into a religious discussion which I would rather not because it could take forever and is off-topic anyway. I will only address your first point of how can I prove Orthodox women have been brainwashed. Of course I can't provide positive proof using statistics or other documentation. I will just say this. Since the 1960s women in this country have been liberated. They now hold more high level jobs than men do. Marriages for most people are an equal partnership. Many will say that in many households it is the women who make most of the decisions about day to day activities.

Contrary, in Orthodox households (as in some other religions) the man is still considered to be the boss. A woman's role is to obey, stay home and have children. Some do have jobs like secretarial duties, teaching, etc. But how many run businesses or have major roles in large corporations. I don't think it is that many. Also, I'm not hearing of any major movement where Orthodox women are trying to change their current role. They seem to be quite content in being second class citizens while the world around them has changed and is continuing to change for the better. Restricting people's activities so they are not allowed to find out what is going on the outside world is brainwashing.

Of course I am not talking about all Orthodox, but primarily the Ultra Orthodox. Tell me what would you call it when a picture of Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State, has to be erased from a picture showing a group of men at a conference when showing the news just because they do not want Orthodox women to see that there are women in the world who are decision makers? That my friend is brainwashing.

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