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Re: MTA Long Island Bus... who really owns the bus vehicles? [tramscript from the meeting]

Posted by gOlD_12tH on Sun Mar 27 15:28:29 2011, in response to MTA Long Island Bus... who really owns the bus vehicles? The answer will shock YOU!, posted by gOlD_12tH on Sat Mar 26 22:50:35 2011.

MTA Board meeting press conference on Wednesday on Long Island Bus, buses issue.

Reporter: "Who owns the equipment, the buses, the infrastructure, and does it payed it off?...Would they assume all the equipment if they owned the system?"

Jay Walder: "The county owns the equipment. And it would go to them." (Shakes his head)

Other reporter: "The county owns the depots as well?"

Jay Walder: "The county owns the depot. The county owns the removable assets as well. The county owns all the equipment!"

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