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Re: How many buses does the S56 require for normal operation?

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Mon Mar 14 14:47:25 2011, in response to Re: How many buses does the S56 require for normal operation?, posted by LRG5784 on Sun Mar 13 22:22:46 2011.

They used to, before the 55 was extended. The 55 would become the 56 and vice-versa at each terminal. As they passed the south terminal, they would simply change the sign and keep going. At the mall, they usually would layover 10-20 minutes, then go back out as the opposite route they came in as. When I took it last, it was a 40 minute headway on each, which they 'sold' as 20 minutes because of the section where the two routes overlapped.

I remember when the 55 went one way on a loop, and the 56 went the other...


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