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Re: Q10A signage

Posted by BusMgr on Sun Jan 15 14:22:12 2006, in response to Re: Q10A signage, posted by Gotham Bus Co. on Sun Jan 15 07:44:23 2006.

1. The purpose of the Q10A is not so much to provide express service to the airport as it is to provide Q10 capacity. The route of the Q10A is faster to JFK than the route of the Q10 to JFK, and thus buses have been assigned to the Q10A in order to cycle them more quickly. Were these buses sent down the Q10 route, they would get to JFK later, and additional equipment would be required to meet the northbound (i.e., peak direction) Q10 schedule.

In the afternoon, there is no significant difference between the Q10 northbound running time from JFK and what the northbound Q10A running time would be on the Van Wyck Expressway. Thus in the afternoon all the northbund service is routed via the Q10 so as to serve more people (i.e., provide a better headway to people at bus stops between JFK and Kew Gardens). The only reasons for providing northbound Q10A service in the afternoon would be (1) providing passengers with the perception that better or faster service is being offered, and (2) providing service planners with a neater service schedule in their statistical reports.

2. That an expanded Q10A might undermine AirTrain service should be of no importance. What is important is recognizing transportation needs and providing the efficient and effective transportation service required to meet those needs. It is not necessary to first provide a particular transportation service and then forcing that service upon people if it really isn't efficient or effective.

In the case of the Q10A, many airline employees live in the Kew Gardens area. It is convenient for them to board the Q10A (or the Q10 when the Q10A is not operating) to go directly to the airport. Using the AirTrain would require a trip on the E from Kew Gardens to Sutphin Blvd., then a transfer to the AirTrain. At $7 each way, it is also much more expensive than the Q10A/Q10 (yes, there is a $40 monthly pass for AirTrain, but airline crews do not commute everyday in the same city as do other types of workers).


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