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PHOTOS: Riding the M42...50's style

Posted by The Flxible Neofan on Wed Dec 23 00:28:27 2009

Just wanted to share my trip photos. Finally, I can say that I've ridden Old Look buses. Egads, these buses are older than both of my parents!


9098 at the Circle Line - the first bus I rode.

I'll definitely miss those RTSs and their wonderful DD50 sound!

2969, the second bus I rode. Took a while to show up from the other end, but thankfully I was able to catch it!

Last, but definitely not least, 3100! It was my favorite, with comfy seats and plenty of leg room (a concept lost on today's buses).

One cool thing about NY is that when something like this happens, I often run into the local fans. As you can see, I wasn't the only one that admired 3100.

A special, thank you thank you thank you thank you to the great folks at ENY for restoring these buses into such impeccable shape. Additionally, I'd love to shake the hand of the man (or woman) responsible for making the decision to run these gems. I wish I could do the same with SEPTA, as our historic fleet doesn't do much more than sit (outside!) at Germantown depot.

Honestly, this is one of the most exciting busfanning trips that I've had in a long time. The new stuff just isn't as exciting to ride anymore.


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