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Re: 8 days worth of pics ( 12.13.08 - 12.21.08 )

Posted by roscoman1986 on Mon Dec 29 09:43:20 2008, in response to 8 days worth of pics ( 12.13.08 - 12.21.08 ), posted by lbt 9415 on Mon Dec 22 02:47:23 2008.

Nice pics! Some comments:

1. Too bad that I missed a lot of the older stuff when I came in November! I saw some D40LFs up close, but I really wanted to ride the 1995 D40LFs (with the soft seats). I didn't get a chance to ride on a D40LF but I guess the 1999 D60LFs are pretty similar (except for the fact that they are articulateds that are 20 feet longer).

2. After seeing the C40LFR on the 187, I went to octa.net and checked out the 187 Bus Book page because for some reason I thought that 100-series routes all used "mid-size or small buses" Turns out the page also says that the 187 is operated by "mid-size or small buses" but a C40LFR is normally not in that category. Either that statement in the Bus Book is incorrect, or the 187 is operated both directly by OCTA using large size buses and by a contractor (Veolia?) that also operates small size buses, or 7579 is assigned to Veolia (despite not having any visible "operated by" stickers that would indicate otherwise). However, the 187 doesn't really look like it needs 40-footers except for school trippers.

3. Yep that school tripper looks packed...but at least the kids who ride OCTA buses don't deface the windows or interior (or if they do, it is cleaned up really fast)! Unfortunately, in the city of Phoenix proper the school trippers are where most of the buses (especially articulateds) get trashed. Even our brand new D60LFs are already tagged up in the back, and some of the older ones assigned to Phoenix-West division are starting to look like LACMTA buses (thankfully if someone writes on the seats, it won't show up)!

4. Except for the paper on the floor (which can be removed easily) that 7506 is very clean and bright like the other OCTA C40LFRs that I went on! I did notice one difference between the OCTA C40LFR seating configuration and the Valley Metro 2006 C40LFR seating configuration. On the Valley Metro C40LFRs there is a second pair of seats on the driver side of the bus (rather than OCTA's two rows on the passenger side and one row on the driver side configuration). As a result if I recall (I haven't been on a Valley Metro 2006 C40LFR in a while) the first set of sideways seats on the driver side is a group of 3 rather than 4.

5. Does the 29 mostly use artics or is is almost all 40-footers? I ask because it seems like a pretty busy route.


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