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Re: Valley Metro Bus Moves (12/23/08)

Posted by roscoman1986 on Wed Dec 24 23:26:41 2008, in response to Re: Valley Metro Bus Moves (12/23/08), posted by transitbusfan on Wed Dec 24 21:02:10 2008.

1. As I stated in an earlier post, the 35-LFWs for Tempe have become hit-or-miss in terms of cleanliness. I would expect since they have been removed from routes 45 and 77 that they will generally become cleaner and in better shape.

2. 6254 really needs to get its sign fixed or get a Luminator Horizon. However, I don't know if that bus is still owned by the RPTA and if they will allow that, despite the fact that 2000 E-Z Riders 4153-4154, which may still be owned by the city of Scottsdale, have had their signs replaced.

3. I don't think there will be as great of a bus shortage as I thought there would be at first. The RPTA would not try to transfer buses to Tempe at the expense of having a bus shortage. The last time they had a bus shortage (back in 2005-2006) was due to the ElDorado National Transmarks and their inability to cover certain routes as far as I know. From what phxtusbusfan has posted, the 1994 D40LFs actually seem to be in better shape than the 1996 D40LFs despite being two years older. They were run into the ground by Phoenix previously but it appears the RPTA has tried their best to take care of them.

4. I always thought route 67 used 1996 D40LFs? Are they quickly disappearing?


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