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Re: Seat Colors To NYCTA 1962 GM 5301's

Posted by MainR3664 on Tue Oct 21 09:40:23 2008, in response to Re: Seat Colors To NYCTA 1962 GM 5301's, posted by Westcode44 on Mon Sep 15 21:28:16 2008.

My memories of the early to mid 70s is kinda vague, I mostly remember that some exteriors were green, others blue, I knew the blue was the newer color. I recall the longitudianl front seats, and the changes in the rear door exit lights over the years.

All of that said, 2151 ran out of Jamaica and Flushing, so even if I didn't ride it, I certainly rode its sisters and cousins. And I don't remember those bright red seats for the life of me.

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