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Re: Seat Colors To NYCTA 1962 GM 5301's

Posted by WayneJay on Mon Oct 20 22:30:30 2008, in response to Re: Seat Colors To NYCTA 1962 GM 5301's, posted by Flxible Bus Authority on Mon Oct 20 20:50:25 2008.

Some of the 9000 Flxibles had the same seats as the 1965 St.Louis-built PATH cars.

Yes, a bunch of them (912X-9159) had the 2X2 padded seating. These buses were spent most of their years assigned to Staten Island depots. They were used for express service. In the early 80s a few of them were sent to OA's 100 Street depot. For some reason they also had two-piece destination sign curtains. Also, 9155-9164 had the DD 8V-71N engine, but 9160-9164 were OA buses wtih regular perimeter seating.


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